General Information Video:
Property Description:
- Kittitas Valley View property bordered on the north and east by DNR wildlife preserve land Great Hunting area in the Mantash Ridge area SW of Ellensburg.
- Quiet area to park an RV. Well Water available thru permit process.
- Columbia River, Mount Rainier National Park, and National Forest Lands are very accessible.
- 80,000 acre L.T. Murray Wildlife Range nearby.
- Distance to Major Cities: Seattle 111 / Yakima 40 miles / Ellensburg 7 miles
Cash Price: $19,899.00
Property Address: 3040 Long Tom Canyon Rd., Ellensburg, Washington 98926
GPS Latitude / Longitude: lat 48.938691° lon -120.604002°
Parcel Number (APN): 628933
Legal Description: ACRES 20.00, VALLEY VIEW RANCH (UNRECORDED) TRACT 6 SEC. 29; TWP. 17; RGE. 18
Property Size: 20 Acres (871,200 square feet)
Zoning: F-R (Forest Land Range)
County Land Use Code: Rural Working (DOR Code: 91 – Undeveloped – Land)
Type: Rural Vacant Land
Improvements: None
Conveyance: Warranty Deed, Attorney escrow closing with title insurance.
Title: Free and Clear
Assessed Value (Year 2020): $17,350
Property Taxes: 2020 annual assessment is $125.55 (paid in full)
Terrain: Mixed rolling and hilly areas.
General Elevation: 2482’
Road Access: Dirt/Gravel, high clearance vehicle recommended.
Power: Electric in area. Extension to lot needed.
Phone: Cell
Internet: Cell or Satellite
Water: Available thru completion of an Over-The-Counter Permit Process. No GW Permit Required.
Sewer: Septic or Alternative
Time Limit to Build: None
Other: Ellensburg School District
Cost To Purchase:
Cash Price: $19,899.00
Delinquent Taxes: None
Seller Paid Closing Costs: Excise/Transfer tax, Pro-Rated property taxes, Recording Fees, and half of Escrow. Seller willing to work with a buyer agent.
Directions to lot: I-90 / Hwy 97 to Canyon Rd. exit. Head north on Canyon to Umptanum Rd. (left). Take Umptanum and stay on it as it works its way up the hill. Take a right on Overlook and then left on Coyote Run (which make a hard right and continues as Coyote Run). Turn right on Long Tom Canyon Rd. and go to the end of the road, you are now on the lot.
Buyer is responsible for verifying all information with the County as to what can and can’t be done with the property. Buyer will need to work with the County to obtain the proper permits if needed. Buyer will also need to confirm the availability of any utilities needed or serviced on the property. Seller makes no warranties or representations about the land, its condition, or what can be built on the property. This property will be closed by local escrow attorney or title company and is Guaranteed free of all liens and Encumbrances. Buyer will receive title insurance and warranty deed.
Address: 20 View Acres of Manatash Ridge - Ellensburg - Kittitas County, WA
City: 3040 Long Tom Canyon Rd., Ellensburg
State: Washington
ZIP: 98926
Square Feet: 20 acres (871,200 sq. ft.)
Additional Features:
Legal Access, Physical Access, View Lot